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Lecture session – TEST

Microsoft Teams

  We will have a lecture session about XXX on 23-12-2022. Please make sure to subscribe. After subscribing, you will receive the meeting-URL.

EPAO live session

The Office! Duwboot 10, Houten, Utrecht

Live session at our premises! Make sure to join. We will have guest speakers. Vladimir Macking will be presenting several packs. Make sure to register!

Emočné a psychologické násilie na deťoch

Almost everybody knows a child who suffers emotional and psychological abuse from their parents. Do you feel powerless? We show You how you can help! Come to our  second open lecture and share your experiences. OPEN LECTURE ON 1.2.2023 at 6 PM, BRIGHTER LIFE CENTER, Bratislava.         Emotional and Psychological abuse is […]

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